Start your Halloween off in the right direction

Parents we know you have little say in your child's halloween costume, but keep in mind that after the sun goes down, dark colored costumes are hard to see by drivers. Simple fix, go to the dollar store and purchase glow-in-the-dark costume accessories.
Tip 2 - Contact Tags
Before trick-or-treating take a second and place a contact tag on your little trick-or-treater.
Example: I belong to Jack Sparrow at #222-222-2222
You never know what will scare your four legged best friend on Halloween. Pranksters, loud noises, or even that Michael Myers mask could send your pet running for the hills. Keep your pets safe by keeping them inside this Halloween.
Tip 4 - Burglars
Don't make your house a target this Halloween. Keep a few lights on while you are away to help burglars think you are in fact home. Try placing a note by your "take one" candy bowl that makes others think you are actually home, but just too lazy to come to the door.

Tip 5 - Spooky Decor
Make sure when decorating you are using nonflammable decorations. Don't use open flames. It can easily catch a costume on fire. Instead of flames, use battery operated candles inside your festive pumpkin decorations.
Hope you have a Spooktacular Halloween!!